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About Angela

In her own words

"Judicial elections are non-partisan. They are not about a candidate's gender, personal beliefs, or politics—they are about leadership. And true leadership is not about being in charge. It's about taking care of those in your charge

I'm running because Vernon County residents deserve a choice. In the election on April 4, they have an opportunity to cast a vote for the candidate they feel is best qualified to serve in that important role. Being the most qualified to sit on the bench is about more than the number of years one has practiced law. A good judge shows compassion and humility, makes reasoned decisions in difficult cases, and has the patience and temperament to balance their decisions in all of the types of cases that come before the court. I hope that people look closely at each candidate, carefully consider what each will bring to the bench, and vote based on their qualities and qualifications.

I have worked hard to become a competent, reasoned attorney who is well-respected within the legal community. Throughout my career, I have handled a wide range of cases in multiple counties. The breadth and depth of my experience and knowledge make me well-positioned to make difficult decisions and to best help our community.

In my early years of practice, criminal cases were a primary area of my focus. However, it is critical to note that a judge will handle much more than criminal cases. A large part of my caseload now includes guardianships, protective placements, juvenile delinquency, child and juvenile protection cases, termination of parental rights, injunctions involving minors, elder abuse victims, and domestic abuse victims, and mental health commitments. These types of cases are confidential by law, meaning the District Attorney’s office and the public cannot view them.


I am honored to be appointed a court commissioner in Vernon County. In that role, I can perform judicial functions, conduct hearings and make findings, and perform weddings. Whether I have fulfilled the duties of that role one time or a hundred times, the legitimacy of that appointment is real and reflects current Judge Darcy Rood's confidence that I am qualified for the position. 

I know I'm the best candidate for judge for Vernon County. The skills I've gained in almost 20 years in the courtroom have won me the respect of my fellow attorneys, my clients, and my community. I look forward to meeting with more Vernon County residents so they can learn what kind of person I am, what kind of attorney I am, and, most importantly, what kind of judge I will be."

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Angela's Bio

Angela was born and raised in Southwest Wisconsin. Her parents still live in the house she grew up in, near Lynxville in Crawford County. She is the second of four children, and they all attended Seneca Area Schools. When she was young, her father worked for Tri-State Breeders in Westby, so Angela could often be found in the back of his truck as they drove all over the countryside visiting farms. When not with her father, she was often at her grandparents' farm, playing in the hay mounds, spreading lime down the aisle of the barn (even when it wasn't needed), and trying to jump over the gutters. 

In junior high, Angela became interested in the law and determined then she would become a lawyer. Her first time in a courtroom came when she had an opportunity to do a job shadow, spending the day watching a trial with Judge Rosborough in Viroqua. After high school, she attended the University of Wisconsin La Crosse, where she majored in Political Science and minored in Criminal Justice. While in undergrad, she worked at Waltzcraft (formerly known as Cabinet Factory) to pay her bills. Ever interested in learning more about the court system and practice, she interned at the Public Defender's Office in La Crosse and was also a member of the Mock Trial team. After graduation, she attended Drake Law School in Des Moines. She received her Juris Doctorate in only 2.5 years, taking classes during the summer months and Christmas break so she could quickly return to Wisconsin.

Angela was married after graduating from Drake Law and moved with her husband to their current home in Westby. After passing the bar exam, she started practicing for a small law firm in La Crosse. For the first part of her career, Angela primarily handled criminal cases through the public defender's office, but was also given cases that dealt with small claims, bankruptcy, and family law matters. She took many cases that were in Vernon county but also handled matters in La Crosse, Monroe, Richland, Crawford, and other surrounding counties. 

In 2006, Angela started her law practice and began handling a variety of different kinds of cases, including juvenile, which involve children who need protection or services and adults who need help with decision-making. Currently, Angela primarily acts as a Guardian Ad Litem for children in child protection cases, family law matters, and for adults who are considered vulnerable.

Angela has been married to her husband Mike Fisher for 20 years. Mike is also from Crawford County and is employed as a Union Electrician. He was raised on a farm and is the fifth of seven children. Michael and Angela have been blessed with 5 boys; Lane, 18, Reid, 16, Will, 11, Ryne (who passed at 5 weeks old), and Hoyt, 4. All the boys attend Westby Schools. Their household is a loud place to be!

In her spare time, Angela enjoys spending time with her family, making cards, sewing, baking pies, tending her flowers, reading, camping, and lending a hand to those who ask her for help. Angela and Michael are lifelong Catholics and have been members of St. Mary’s in Viroqua for the last 20 years. Their son Will has Down syndrome, and they advocate for both high expectations for him and for letting others know that their family is just as normal as the next.

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